Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Tree is Nice

A Tree is Nice by Janice May Udry

Genre: Caldecott Award Winning
Grade Level: K-2
Summary: This story describes the many different reasons why trees are so nice. Such as, making the world beautiful, can play in the leaves, give us shade, we can climb them, and the noise that the leaves make when the wind blows.
Theme/Skill: Trees are useful because they give us shade, can protect us, gives us fruits and other foods and we can play on the trees. Trees can be old or young.
Pre-reading activities: Who likes to play in trees? Has anyone planted a seed to make a tree? What happens to trees when the seasons change? Discuss the different types of trees and what they do for us. Why do people cut them down and what can be made from trees? Could the world get something positive out of trees getting cut down?
Post-reading activities: Pair, share and come up with a list of different types of trees. Ask if there are any other ideas of what you can do with a tree. How are trees good? Why do you think the leaves change colors and fall off with the seasons?
Assessment: Have a tree-making activity. Create their own tree using different colored papers as leaves. Children can create any kind of tree they would like. Discuss what a family tree is, bring their tree home, and build on it with family members.
Reflection: I would bring in empty branches and have the students add an important fact or relationship in their family and have them hang their fact on our tree that we make in class.

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