Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Colors of Us

The Colors of Us by Karen Katz

Genre: Multicultural
Grade Level: 1-3
Summary: Seven-year-old Lena and her mother observe the variations in the color of their friend's skin and refer to them as types of foods and other things found in nature. For example, different shades of brown could be described as toffee, mocha, chocolate, honey, etc.
Theme/Skill: Teach the students that no matter what color a person's skin color is; that we are all equal and unique in a special way. If we all looked exactly alike, it would be a boring world to live in.
Pre-reading activities: Ask them to name a relative or friend who may have a different shade of skin as them. Discuss with the class that people who are white have many different shades of skin too. For example, olive, medium, fair, etc. There are all different shades of white, brown, and yellow.
Post-reading activities: Students may ask me if I know anyone who has different colored skin. I would say that I am related to my Aunt from Thailand. I also have relatives from islands south of Puerto Rico. How would you react to someone who made a comment of your skin tone? Would you say something to them?
Assessment: I would have the students go onto the computer or find a book of a country. Then, they would learn more about their culture and ethnicity and share it with the class.

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