Saturday, December 3, 2011

Beep, Beep, Vroom Vroom

Beep, Beep, Vroom, Vroom by Stuart J. Murphy

Genre: Math Pattern skills
Grade Level: Kindergarten - 1st
Summary: In this story, Kevin had various colors of cars thathe played with such as yellow, red, and blue. His little sister Molly, was told she was too young to play with the cars but she did anyway. When her brother came home, she had to quickly arrange the cars into the correct order by color and pattern so her brother wouldn't know she played with his cars.
Theme/Skill: Patterns and Sequence with categorizing
Pre-reading activities: Discuss what toys the children have at home to organize and play with. How do you organize them? Do you let others play with them? Have students pick their favorite toy and draw it five times using different colors for each one. Then, practice placing them out of order and re-organizing them.
Post-reading activities: After reading the story with the students, ask them to describe the patterns in which Molly places the cars on the shelf. The child might describe patterns by color or type of car. Assessment: Children can show different patterns using toy cars/colored blocks.

About the Author: Stuart J. Murphy

Stuart J. Murphy is a visual learning specialist.  He has written 57 books. "I write books about math, people often ask, “What came first, the writing or the math?” My response is: “Neither. Art!” That’s right. I was an art major in college. Drawing on all these talents, Stuart J. Murphy brings a unique perspective to the MathStart series. In MathStart books, pictures do more than tell stories; they teach math.  Stuart J. Murphy and his wife, Nancy, live in Boston.


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