Sunday, December 11, 2011

In the Small Pond

In the Small Pond by Denise Fleming


Genre: Caldecott Award Winner, Science
Grade Level: 2
Summary: This is an informative story depicting the four seasons and the curious animals that are a part of each season.
Theme/Skill: Show several animals from each season on the Smart Board.
Pre-reading activities: What is your favorite season and why? Why do some animals apear in some seasons and others do not? Where do animals go when they are not seen during a particular season? After deciding your favorite season, use construction paper to create a scene for that season chosen. Encourage students to ask questions and give responses to the story.
Post-reading activities: Were you surprised that some animals aren't a part of all seasons? What was your favorite and least favorite part of the story? Continue poster drawing of scenes.
Assessment: Hand in posters after sharing with a group of classmates your picture that you created. Explain why one animal may not survive in that environment according to that season.
Reflection: Students could go on a nature walk to a pond and collect water to look under the microscope at the living pond creatures. They can predict sounds they would hear outside by the pond. What would they smell? What would they see? Incorporating the senses into their writing can help tremendously with descriptive details.

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